Pet Euthanasia – What Happens When a Pet is Put to Sleep

Pet Euthanasia – What Happens When a Pet is Put to Sleep is a painful question. It is an even more painful decision to say goodbye to a beloved pet, what happens next? Cloud 9 Vets are determined to make the whole process as peaceful and gentle as possible for you and your pet. We will arrange a visit to your home at a time to suit you, any time day or night and any day of the year. At-home pet euthanasia is better for your pet because it avoids the understandable anxiety many animals feel when being taken to a veterinary surgery.
Cloud 9 Vets aim is to give your animal a gentle and peaceful end. We promise an unhurried, clear and honest discussion of your pet’s needs with you and your family.
How will it be done?
We administer a gentle sedative in such a way that they will barely notice. There is no pain or distress during this or at any time during the procedure, your pet simply drifts into a peaceful sleep.
The next stage of the process is tried and tested and involves giving the animal an anesthetic agent so their heart will slow and stop. They pass away quickly after the vet gives them the injection. Very occasionally, as the animal slips into unconsciousness, they will seem to take a deep breath or exhale loudly and there are sometimes involuntary muscle twitches as the body shuts down. This is perfectly natural and is not a sign that anything has gone wrong nor that your pets feels any pain.
Many people ask if they can stay with their animal during pert euthanasia, while others prefer not to. The choice is yours. Many people feel that giving some comfort to their pet in these last moments is a chance for a final farewell, even if it is just gently stroking a paw or rubbing a neck.
If you do not feel this is right for you, that is perfectly fine, talk to your vet who will support you no matter if you want to with you pet or not.
This is obviously a difficult time but if possible try not to get too emotional. This is crucial, as your pet might detect these feelings.
What is the procedure when animal goes to sleep during pet euthanasia?
For some pet owners, the choice is simple – they want to bury their pet in their garden. If you know in advance that you want a cremation you can arrange this with our Caring Coordinators. You can also discuss this with your vet whilst they are at your home, they can help you make all the arrangement. Your vet will also be able to to take your pet animal away with them following the gentle euthanasia. If you choose an individual cremation, they will return your pet’s ashes to you in an urn of your choice. You may even wish to scatter their ashes at a favourite place.
Pet Euthanasia – Coping with the passing of a beloved pet
Losing an animal can be very distressing. Simply put, it is losing a member of the family and can provoke a strong and lasting sense of pain and grief. However, others close to you may not understand. Even worse, many bereaved pet owners are reluctant to share their sense of loss. You should not underestimate the grieving process.
You will not have a surprise seeing or hearing a lost pet in familiar places for a long while after they have gone. Anyone who has not gone through the trauma of saying goodbye to a pet might not understand your feelings.
While it may not be true that time heals all wounds, happy memories usually overpower bad ones.
Should I get a new pet?
It feels odd living without a friend you have known and loved for many years. For instance, your house may seem empty without them. Inevitably, thoughts turn to filling the gap. But when is too soon? Could you cope with a playful kitten or boisterous puppy? Or could you welcome a rescue cat or dog into your life? Some feel they must observe a period of mourning out of simple respect. Others feel it would disloyal to even think of taking another animal into their heart.
In reality, many pet owners simply miss the experience of being a pet owner. As such, it’s not uncommon for them to be looking into giving another animal a home within weeks. However long it takes for you to want to be a pet guardian again is entirely up to you. Don’t feel pressured either way.
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Tags: coping with the loss of a pet, how to cope with putting a dog down, pet euthanasia, putting my cat to sleepCloud 9
To ensure accuracy, a professional vet has reviewed and verified the information presented in this article. It is important to note that when it comes to making decisions about euthanasia for your pet, there are no easy answers. It is always recommended to seek advice from your own veterinarian before making any decision.