Compassionate End Of Life Care For Pets

Girl kissing cat

As pets reach their senior years, compassionate end of life care for pets is more important than ever. Ensuring they are living comfortably, pain free and receiving the best care and treatment available. When our beloved cats or dogs become poorly it can be difficult to know when the time is right to say goodbye.  Or, how you can do this in a dignified, calm and relaxing way. At Cloud 9 vets, we can support you through this time,. As animal lovers ourselves and having lost pets of our own, we know how incredibly hard this decision can be.

Our team offers compassionate and dignified pet euthanasia visits at your home. This means that your cat or dog can stay in their familiar, home environment where they are comfortable, and our vets will come out to you. There is no need for your pet to have a sometimes stressful final journey to the vets and they can spend their final moments surrounded by their loved ones in a familiar environment. We also understand that they can deteriorate at any time, so our vets are ready to care for your companions at any time.

You can also chat to us and our team of understanding care co-ordinators who will help talk you through this difficult decision. We have many years’ experience of compassionately helping families whose pets are approaching the end of their life. We are available to discuss your needs with you 7 days a week and our telephone lines are open 13 hours a day, from 7 am until 8 pm, available on 08000 354 999.


Recognising signs of pain

Pain is one of the most important aspects of end of life care, as it can limit a pet’s quality of life if not managed sufficiently. If pain cannot be controlled adequately then it can indicate that your companion may be suffering and it may be kinder to consider euthanasia, and putting your pet to sleep. Unfortunately, not every sign of pain is obvious, so as an owner you  need to be aware of any subtle signs that a painful cat or dog may show, allowing you to evaluate your pet’s quality of life.

Signs of pain include,

  • Vocalisation
  • Licking or chewing at a particular area of the body
  • Change in behaviour/ acting differently to normal
  • Quiet in self
  • Reduced appetite
  • Lameness
  • Reduced exercise levels

The signs of pain that your pet will display will also depend on which species  you have. Prey animals, such as rabbits and rodents will often hide signs of pain until they are severely ill. Usually, the first sign of pain is a small change in behaviour, which can be as subtle as a change in appetite. You will need to monitor your pet carefully to ensure any early signs of pain are detected quickly. If you feel that your pet is showing any signs of pain then you should speak to your veterinary practice for advice.

Assessing pain relief

End of life patients will often experience increasing levels of pain throughout the duration of their illness, so it is essential that your dog or cat’s pain levels are frequently reassessed to ensure their medication is sufficient and that your companion is comfortable. While your pet’s end of life care will be provided by your regular vets, we can give you additional support  over the phone at this emotional time.


When the time comes to say goodbye – Compassionate End Of Life Care For Pets

Owners often spend a lot of time worrying about how they will know when it is the right time. During every visit to your pet’s routine veterinary practice, your pet will be monitored and assessed by your vet, which will help you to evaluate their quality of life. We are also here for you at Cloud9 to offer additional phone support and help guide you throughout your decision process. This allows you to feel comfortable to assess your pets quality of life, and plan a beautiful goodbye that meets your needs as well as your pet’s needs at this very difficult time.  For further help and guidance on assessing your dog or cat’s quality of life, please take a look here


Peaceful until the end

The thought of making the decision to end a much loved pet’s life is distressing for all. It can be made worse by not knowing what to expect. You can contact our vets in advance, ready for when it is time to say goodbye. You can discuss any requests you might have, which will make this emotional time special for you. When the time comes to say goodbye to your pet, any family members who wish to be present can stay. Our vets will also ensure that your companion remains calm and comfortable until the end.


What to expect

The term putting a pet to sleep is often used to describe the process of ending a pet’s life. Our vets will give a sedative medication first, allowing owners to hold their pet as they go to sleep. Afterwards, pets are given an injection with a medication to stop them from waking up again. This final painless injection only takes a few moments and is quickly effective. Owners can remain with their pet afterwards and take time to say goodbye and cherish your special memories

For many owners, this might be the first time that you have experienced euthanasia. So, we encourage owners to ask our veterinary team any questions they may have. Our vets are experienced in performing compassionate and dignified euthanasia. They will make this a peaceful time for you and your pet. You will always have those special final memories of your pet.

Cloud9 Vets – Loving and focused Compassionate End Of Life Care For Pets



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