Pet Euthanasia – Coping Afterwards

Dealing with the aftermath of pet euthanasia is often as challenging as going through the process itself. Knowing what happens after your pet has been put to sleep, and passes away, is crucial to help you manage the emotions of the situation.
For many pet openers, the decision has already been made regarding what to do with their special friend. They might have already considered where to bury their pet’s body. Such a place could be in their garden, in a special place, or a pet cemetery.
There is also the option to cremate your pet. If this is an option you might consider, Cloud9 Vets can help you to organise it. Our Care Coordinators will take care of all the arrangements when you may not feel up to getting involved. While our vet visits your home, you can discuss this option with them in more detail. If cremation is ultimately what you choose to do, you can scatter the ashes yourself, have them scattered by someone else, or have them returned to you in an urn.
Coping Once Your Friend Has Gone
It is often not until after the burial or cremation that one starts to grieve for the loss of your friend to pet euthanasia. You might experience feelings of regret or guilt at deciding to put your pet to sleep. However, you should know that what you did was in the best interest of your special friend. Ultimately, you made the difficult decision out of compassion for your pet, relieving them of pain and suffering.
It might seem that friends or family do not share the same level of grief. This perception is not necessarily the case but might be down to them being unable to open up. It may also have something to do with you being unable to bring the issue up with them. It is best to try and communicate your emotions with a friend or loved one in these situations.
It should come as no surprise if you think you hear or see your pet around the home or when you are out for a walk. These are your hap[py memories coming back unexpectedly, and they are instances you should learn to enjoy. Remember the many special times you had together. People who have not owned pets will find this difficult to understand. So, try to show them some patience.
Do You Replace Your Pet?
It is impossible to replace the special pet with whom you have shared so many happy times. However, as time goes by, you might feel that you want to bring another into your life. Your home might start to feel empty without having a pet around, and you might start thinking about filling a potential gap in your life. It is perfectly normal if you feel this way, and you should think that you are disloyal or disrespectful.
Of course, there is no question for many pet owners as they have to have another pet friend. Whatever decision you make, it will be the right one for your situation, and you should feel no pressure either way.
Our experienced care coordinators are available to help you in making these decisions. You can contact us today for advice and information on compassionate and dignified pet euthanasia and how to cope afterward.
Tags: coping with the loss of a pet, how to cope with putting a dog down, pet euthanasia
Cloud 9
To ensure accuracy, a professional vet has reviewed and verified the information presented in this article. It is important to note that when it comes to making decisions about euthanasia for your pet, there are no easy answers. It is always recommended to seek advice from your own veterinarian before making any decision.