Dogs in their Senior Years – supporting common conditions

As our pets age it’s not uncommon to see certain health issues developing. We understand that this can be a worrying time for pet owners, with lots of questions. We are going to look at some of the most common conditions to affect senior dogs, and how you can best support your canine companion.
What are the ‘senior years’ in dogs?
In dogs, the senior years can vary greatly between different breeds and sizes. Giant breeds age faster and have a reduced lifespan compared to smaller dogs. This means that they may reach their senior years at around 6 or 7 years of age. By comparison, other smaller breeds may not be considered elderly until they are 10 years or older.
Thinking about this can help you to manage your expectations about your pet’s long-term health and manage their needs accordingly.
Common senior conditions
Most senior pets will need care adjustments of some sort, usually diet and exercise-related, but if your dog develops a health condition then you may need to be even more proactive. Here are some of the most common senior conditions in canines and some tips on your pet’s care –
Osteoarthritis is a very common cause of stiffness and joint pain in older dogs. This is a progressive, degenerative disease that advances gradually. It occurs due to ageing or wear and tear, as well as underlying joint abnormalities. In affected animals, the cartilage (shock absorber) in the joint becomes worn away, causing inflammation and maybe even leading to bone rubbing against bone. This discomfort may have worsened over a long period, meaning that affected dogs don’t tend to cry out but instead show signs like limping, increased grumpiness and stiffness.
It can be easy to dismiss difficulty jumping up or resting more as ‘just old age’, but there are many things that can be done to improve your dog’s quality of life. Joint supplements can be helpful, but many pets will benefit from pain relief and anti-inflammatories, especially as the disease advances.
Keeping your dog at a healthy weight will also reduce pressure on the joints and maintaining a sensible exercise regime can also help. You may even wish to explore physiotherapy or hydrotherapy to build your pet’s muscle strength and improve their range of motion. Also, taking a few simple measures at home, like placing rugs on slippery floors, using a ramp to get into the car and providing a supportive, padded bed can be greatly appreciated by your pet.
Diabetes Mellitus
Dogs with diabetes mellitus need to be cared for under close veterinary supervision. Patients require regular insulin supplementation to manage their blood sugar levels, as their bodies are not producing enough insulin of their own. A change in diet is usually advisable, alongside a strict feeding and medication routine.
In addition to following your vet’s guidance, you can further support your diabetic senior by keeping a close watch on any changes to their condition. Diabetic dogs are prone to many complications including urinary tract infections, cataract formation (leading to blindness) and diabetic ketoacidosis (a serious metabolic condition caused by uncontrolled blood sugar levels).
Monitoring your pet’s thirst and urination habits for any changes is key, as well as their appetite and weight. If your pet goes blind from diabetes, you can further support them by making sensible adjustments in the home. Dogs have a great sense of hearing, smell and touch, so keeping the furniture in your home in the same place where they know it to be and talking to your pet to let them know you are approaching will help a lot.
Vestibular disease
Vestibular disease can occur suddenly and without warning. We don’t often know what causes this condition, but it affects your pet’s balance, meaning they may fall over, circle to one side or develop a head tilt. Many patients become nauseous too. This can often be confused with a stroke-type episode, as symptoms can be similar.
In many cases, pets will recover from a vestibular attack without too much intervention. Most will benefit from some anti-nausea medication during this time though. You can help your dog by keeping them somewhere safe if they are prone to falling, assisting them out to the toilet and ensuring their food and water are close by. A small proportion of dogs may be left with a head tilt following an episode like this, or ongoing balance issues.
Heart disease
Heart disease covers an array of different heart complaints found in dogs. The most common of these is Mitral Valve Disease (MVD), a condition affecting one of the heart valves. This is more common in smaller breeds, especially the Cavalier King Chares Spaniels. Another example of canine heart disease is Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM), which is more likely in large or giant dogs like Great Danes. This condition causes the heart to become enlarged and beat ineffectively.
Heart disease found in older patients is not curable but can usually be managed with regular medication. Supporting these dogs means giving their medication as instructed and attending regular check-ups. Sadly, these conditions are progressive, meaning they will get worse over time and often result in congestive heart failure. Being vigilant for changes in your pet’s breathing, an emerging cough, weight loss and decreased exercise ability, can help your vet to adjust their medication as needed.
Cancer is a very broad term that covers an array of different conditions. Some types of cancer may be localised and benign (non-harmful); it’s certainly not uncommon for senior dogs to develop an odd lump or two. However, some types of cancer can be more sinister, growing rapidly or spreading to other regions of the body. Cancer can be obvious when it’s an external lump, but internal problems can be harder to spot. That’s where keeping an eye on your pet’s weight, appetite, thirst and toileting behaviour can help.
If you notice something suspicious then get your vet to check it out. By acting early, the condition may be more treatable. However, if your dog has advanced disease then palliative care is key. This means making sure that your pet’s pain levels are well managed and that they are still eating and drinking normally.
Cognitive dysfunction
Many senior dogs will develop some level of cognitive dysfunction (canine dementia). Symptoms can include increased barking or howling, confusion, sleeping more than usual, pacing, staring into space and toileting accidents.
Some dogs can be managed with medication to improve their symptoms. Keeping a consistent routine and environment can also help to avoid further confusion for these pets. Some diets may be formulated with additional ‘brain-boosting’ ingredients like antioxidants and essential fatty acids. There are licensed medications to help slow down the progression, and in addition, a qualified behaviourist can be helpful for dogs developing anxiety or phobias.
Spending gentle quality time with your pet will help, as well as making sure they have a safe, secure space to rest in. You should also keep family members safe, especially young children, as dogs with cognitive dysfunction can become unpredictable.
Elderly dogs can suffer from urinary or faecal incontinence as they age. Urinary incontinence is most common in female dogs who can suffer from a condition known as urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI). In this condition, urine often leaks out while sleeping and can cause the fur surrounding the genitals to become wet and smelly. Urinary tract infections are more likely in affected dogs too. Medication can help and your vet will be able to advise you further.
Faecal incontinence can often be more challenging to deal with, as it usually occurs due to muscle weakness and nerve degeneration. Keeping your pet in an easy-to-clean area of the house will help you to manage them more effectively, and it would be a good idea to invest in easy-to-wash bedding. Make sure they have plenty of outdoor toileting opportunities and never punish them if they have an accident in the house.
Quality of Life
When managing your dog’s health condition, you must always consider their quality of life. If your pet can do the things they normally enjoy, like exercising, playing and eating, then these are all good signs. If, however, your pet is having an increasing number of bad days, then this needs to be questioned.
Speaking with your vet is important, as there may be alternative treatment or management techniques that can help improve the situation. But if you feel you have exhausted all the options or if you are no longer able to cope emotionally or financially with your pet’s condition, then euthanasia may be the kindest option.
If you are struggling to decide what is best, then have a look at our ‘Is it time?’ page. We have a checklist that you can work through which will help you to assess your dog’s quality of life in more detail. You can also talk to one of our care co-ordinators.
Age brings with it a certain set of challenges, which can be a struggle for both owner and pet alike. By understanding common senior health conditions and providing the right level of support for your elderly dog, you can make a real difference to their wellbeing.
If you have any concerns about your dog’s quality of life, then make sure you speak to your vet or contact us for further advice.
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To ensure accuracy, a professional vet has reviewed and verified the information presented in this article. It is important to note that when it comes to making decisions about euthanasia for your pet, there are no easy answers. It is always recommended to seek advice from your own veterinarian before making any decision.