Dog Kidney Disease Symptoms

Please check out our latest YouTube video about Dog Kidney Disease Symptoms. We hope that you find this video informative and helpful, please do subscribe if you would like to see further educational videos
When your dog’s kidney fails, it cannot carry out its normal functions. Dog Kidney failure occurs in two ways; acute kidney failure, and chronic kidney failure.
Dog Kidney Disease can be a devastating condition for your pet. However, if you can recognise it early enough, you may be able to take action to minimise the impact. Therefore, it’s crucial for you to understand the symptoms which include the following:
- Blood in their urine.
- Pale gums.
- Weight loss
- Loss of appetite.
- Increased or decreased drinking.
- Increased or decreased drinking urination.
- Mouth ulcers.
- Vomiting.
- Lack of coordination.
- Chemically smelling breath.
- Increased lethargy.
- Intestinal seizures.
This short video outlines the dog kidney disease symptoms.
Please check out our latest YouTube video. We hope that you find this video informative and helpful, please do subscribe if you would like to see further educational videos
If you have any queries regarding dog kidney failure, you should contact your local vet. The important thing to remember is that your dog’s quality of life is the crucial aspect of any treatment they undergo. In the devastating situation in which you face having to put your pet to sleep, Cloud 9 Vets can help you through this challenging time with respect, compassion, and in your home environment.
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To ensure accuracy, a professional vet has reviewed and verified the information presented in this article. It is important to note that when it comes to making decisions about euthanasia for your pet, there are no easy answers. It is always recommended to seek advice from your own veterinarian before making any decision.