Blood in Cat Urine – What You Need to Know And Do

Finding cat blood in urine can be quite scary. The medical term for this condition is haematuria. Female cats are more prone to develop this disorder, and it can indicate potentially serious diseases. Your cat peeing blood but acting normally usually means a mild ailment. But a visit to the vets will put your mind at rest, and get to the bottom of any serious underlying problems.
Learn more about blood in cat urine – what you need to know and do here…
Probable Symptoms
There’s a range of signs to look for that are associated with a cat urinating blood. These include:
- Urinating more frequently
- Pain when urinating
- Constantly licking the urinary area
- Squatting in the litter tray for long periods
- Not using the litter tray
- An ammonia-like smell in urine
- Excessive thirst
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
Possible Causes
Your cat peeing blood can be due to several reasons. These include:
- Your female cat is in heat – a bloody discharge can indicate a non-spayed cat in oestrus
- Dehydration – lack of fresh water when feeding dry food can cause straining to urinate resulting in blood in the urine
- Urinary tract infection – known as feline idiopathic cystitis – this bacterial infection tends to affect older cats and is extremely painful
- Crystals – microscopic crystals cause larger crystals to develop that can damage the tissue membranes and may develop into stones
- Stones – these may be in the bladder, urethra, or kidney leading to obstruction
- Injury – trauma can lead to bleeding within the urinary tract
- Medication – too much medicine such as acetaminophen can cause blood in urine
- Poisoning – the ingestion of toxic chemicals can cause bleeding into internal organs
- Cancer – when cancer attacks the urinary system haematuria from the formation of tumours and ulcers can occur
Determining the Disorder
A physical examination will be carried out initially. And with your help, a complete health history will be established. Discuss any medications currently being taken by your cat, or prescribed in the past. And give a current account of your cat’s behaviour.
The most common diagnostic test is a complete urinalysis. This will confirm any inflammation or infection in the urinary tract. Other tests for blood in the urine include bacterial cultures, blood tests, X-rays, and ultrasound examinations of the bladder and urethra.
Blood in Cat Urine – Appropriate Treatments
After a diagnosis has been made treatment will start as soon as possible. This will prevent any serious complications. Untreated kidney stones can obstruct the bladder and cause it to rupture. And blood clotting diseases can cause a massive blood loss in a very short space of time.
Depending on the condition for blood in your cat’s urine, you might give them anti-biotics to treat any infection. If your cat is dehydrated intravenous fluids will be administered. Cats that are on steroid medication will be gradually weaned off them. Results that confirm kidney stones or tumours may require your cat to undergo surgery.
Special diets or urinary dissolver can dissolve stones, and treatment for bleeding disorders caused by toxins may include the administration of Vitamin K. Conditions that disrupt the normal formation of blood clots may also require surgery.
Your cat may require rest, pain relief, and sometimes surgery if they have suffered traumatic injuries. Chemotherapy, radiation, or palliative therapy are treatments for cancer of the urinary tract.
Complications and Recovery
Prescribing some cats medication can develop side effects in them such as loss of appetite and vomiting. Discuss these issues with your vet and you can make an informed decision as to whether to continue with this particular treatment.
Setbacks can include straining when urinating, urinating in small quantities, and urinating outside the litter tray. All these problems need additional medical advice.
If your male cat peeing blood has stopped but he can’t urinate freely this can cause the risk of blockage and is potentially fatal. You’ll need to see your vet immediately.
Cats that are receiving treatment for blood in urine need to kept indoors. This allows you to monitor them closely. And take any prescribed medication at the right time. You’ll also be able to make sure they eat and drink enough. Remember that your cat needs to complete courses of antibiotics even if they seem to be much better.
You may need to change your cats’ diet to include wet food or prescription food. And provide a constant source of fresh water. We also highly recommend keeping your cat stress-free.
It’s important that you attend all follow-up visits with your vet to ensure a speedy recovery without complications.
Putting Your Cat to Sleep
If all treatment fails cat euthanasia at home may be a consideration as your final option. You’ll get all the help and advice you need from trained and fully qualified home visit vets. Your cat won’t suffer any pain as a gently administered sedative followed by an anaesthetic agent will help the passing. And you’ll get all the care and support you need following the procedure.
Tags: cat euthanasia, Cat UrineCloud 9
To ensure accuracy, a professional vet has reviewed and verified the information presented in this article. It is important to note that when it comes to making decisions about euthanasia for your pet, there are no easy answers. It is always recommended to seek advice from your own veterinarian before making any decision.